Vehicle Programming

Customers at your auto shop will benefit from safer, more comprehensive repairs when you provide vehicle programming—and shops that offer programming can furnish start-to-finish services, post-collision.

Expert Brand-Specific AirPro Vehicle Programming

Programming (also known as reprogramming, reconfiguring) requires the expertise of a skilled technician with ready access to the vehicle manufacturer’s latest version of software—and this process can be quite complex.

Today, more than thirty vehicle manufacturers are busy building hundreds of models to be driven by modern commuters. Each manufacturer incorporates unique computer networks and driver assistance technology into their vehicles with high end vehicles having 100 million, even 150 million lines of codes in their vehicle software. Compare that to about 25 million lines of code in an F-35 jet fighter and it quickly becomes apparent how intricate the vehicle programming process really is. It’s also easy to see how important it is to have real-time expertise from dealer-trained professionals close at hand when automotive module programming needs to be performed.

AirPro Diagnostics simplifies and streamlines the process so your repair shop can confidently bring this crucial service in-house and benefit from a new revenue stream. Our comprehensive solution provides your repair facilities with the most modern technology available today, always up to date, along with rapid access to AirPro’s brand specialist technicians. No matter what vehicle you need to program, we’ve got experts who know what to look for and how to service the vehicle. Whether it’s an SRS module or a transmission control module, our specialists can guide and support you from start to finish for the ultimate in repairs and reprogramming.

Modern repair practices have four technology-related steps, and AirPro Diagnostics can optimize each step of the process for you:

To create accurate diagnostics and perform appropriate ADAS calibration, though, you first need laser-targeted automotive scanner technology, available through AirPro with our ORION cloud-based diagnostic management system. Then, you can benefit from our vehicle scanning services by brand experts.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about AirPro Diagnostics’ cutting-edge automotive scanner technology for your auto repair shop or are ready to leverage its power, call us or send us an email today!


Car Module Programming

To simplify lingo, people often refer to a car as having a computer. In reality, electronics of a modern vehicle actually contain multiple electronic control units (ECUs)—also called electronic control modules (ECMs). Today’s vehicles can have significant numbers of embedded ECUs with some of the most common being:

Because these modules are individual units that work together in a vehicle to provide a safe ride, it’s more accurate to say that today’s vehicles contain multiple computers that are part of a complex  network. Note that different manufacturers may use different names and acronyms for modules. Plus, they will configure them differently to mesh with their unique software.

Airbag Module Programming

When a collision occurs, the ACM will store fault codes, both hard and soft, which trigger the airbag light to indicate problems. After a collision, whether you replace the airbag with a new or used one,—or are able to refurbish the current one—airbag module programming is required to ensure safe driving.

If the module isn’t reset, the airbag may not deploy in a future crash, putting the people in the car at significant risk. So, driving without an intact airbag module is not recommended. Some vehicle modules won’t start without one and, if the vehicle does will start, this puts the people in the vehicle at serious risk—which could result in liability for the auto repair shop if an accident occurs.

In certain situations (fire, flood, and other disasters), the airbag modules themselves can be damaged, and this situation needs to be addressed. No matter the circumstances, brand specialists available through AirPro can guide and support you as the vehicle gets serviced.

Engine Control Module Programming

Because the engine provides the necessary power to subsystems throughout a vehicle, it’s sometimes called the “brains” of the car. The ECM collects information from sensors about the intake, exhaust, and cooling processes. It also monitors multiple components to help ensure that the engine runs well.

The engine manages idle speed, optimizes the air to fuel ratio, oversees ignition timing, and much more. Over time, the ECM simply won’t operate as well as it once did—with vibration and friction wearing it down—with a collision adding significantly to the potential damage and resulting challenges.

When the EMC is effectively reprogrammed, this plays a vital role in returning the vehicle to its maximum capabilities.

Powertrain Control Module

Many times, the ECM and TCM are combined into a powertrain control module to ensure that the engine and transmission work seamlessly together. That said, the two systems operate independently so, as needed, your repair shop can reprogram one system without an impact on the other.

The powertrain control module oversees a wide variety of functions in a vehicle from idle speed to ignition timing, air to gas ratio, and more. The PCM will monitor oil, fluid, and air intake; temperature; throttle positioning; emission levels; and more. When one or more aren’t performing optimally, this will trigger the check engine light and, in response, your auto shop may need to perform repairs and reprogram the vehicle.

Electronic Brake Control Module

Having brakes that work properly is intuitively crucial for safe driving. So, when a car control module that oversees the brakes isn’t properly configured with the appropriate brake calibration software, this can lead to serious accidents.

The anti-lock brake module (ABS) serves as the control center for your braking pressure. When it isn’t working optimally, cars can hydroplane or skid under less than ideal road conditions. So, having expert guidance as you precisely reprogram this module is vital. Plus, because this module is less likely than others to fail, when there’s a problem, it’s almost certainly urgent.

Transmission Control Module Programming

The transmission control module stores crucial information that, when in optimal condition, allows the transmission to operate at maximum capacity and efficiency. When a vehicle’s transmission (and/or the TCM itself) is repaired or replaced, the vehicle must be reprogrammed according to the manufacturer’s specifications for its unique characteristics. It will allow the vehicle to understand and accept replacement parts into its overall system.

Technology from AirPro Diagnostics allows your repair shop to scan, diagnose, repair, and reprogram to return the vehicle to a condition that’s as close to OEM standards as possible. Through the sometimes complex processes, including but not limited to the actual transmission control module programming, your repair shop will have ready access to dealer-trained experts with in-depth knowledge in the vehicle’s make, year, and model.

No matter which parts need to be repaired and optimized, car module programming is a crucial step in the process.

Benefits of AirPro Automotive Module Programming Technology

Electronic components in today’s vehicles can be quite intricate, and it’s likely that the complexity will only continue to increase. To ensure the most accurate reprogramming possible, AirPro Diagnostics aligns itself with vehicle manufacturers and their approved softwares. With our automotive technology, you can count on the most cutting edge data, perfectly dovetailing with OEM specifications.

This empowers your auto repair shop to bring car module programming services in house, creating a new revenue stream to increase profitability. Because you won’t need to send vehicles to another location, you’ll decrease cycle times, boosting productivity and allowing your shop to take more customers with fewer people needing to touch the vehicle. Throughout the entire automobile programming process, you’ll have ready access to our highly experienced technicians to guide and support you. Because OEM software is updated whenever necessary, you’ll never need to worry about obsolete software.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

As the trusted leader in vehicle programming technology, we continually innovate and improve. We’re never satisfied with yesterday’s successes, instead focusing on providing even more ways to increase your productivity and profitability while reducing your risk and limiting liability.

Your goal and ours is to maximize motorist safety and we support you all the way in that important quest. That’s why we continue to strive for perfection. That’s why we never compromise on integrity or excellence. Each step we take aligns with ongoing viability so that we can continue to serve and satisfy you as you do the same for your customers.

To get started with our world-class technology and services,
please contact us online or call (904) 717-1711.